Volunteer Opportunities

For more information, please contact the Town Administrator, Town Clerk, or relevant committee chair (This list is for reference only. Actual openings must be verified by the Town Clerk).

It is also reccomended that you read Riggins Rules prior to applying to a position. These rules break down the responcibilities of a committee member and guide you on the process.

Land Use Boards, Commissions, and Advisory Committees (appointed by Board of Selectmen):


250th Anniversary Committee - Open Positions

Fire Department Study Committee - 0 Positions Open

Heritage Commission - Open Positions

Veteran's Memorial Wall Committee-  Open Positions


Advisory Committees (appointed by Board of Selectmen):

Budget Advisory Committee - Meet weekly during the fall to draft complete budget to present to Board of Selectmen in December. All department chairs will present their requested budgets and answer questions from the Budget Advisory Committee. Town Administrator and one Selectman scheduled to attend all meetings. Advisory Committee will nominate a Chair to run the meetings. All members are expected to attend the December presentation to the Board of Selectmen, the public budget hearing (usually early February) and Town Meeting in order to provide insight and answer questions as needed.


250th Anniversary Committee -

The Deering ad hoc 250th Celebration Committee is a volunteer citizen committee advisory to the Select Board and is charged to Prepare a 250th Celebration Plan for the Town that clearly identifies the priorities and strategies that could guide the Town. Some of the responsibilities charged are to:

  1. Organize and host the 250th Celebration for the town of Deering
  2. Work with the Deering Recreation Committee
  3. Educate and inform the Deering Selectboard of any events proposed

Upon completion of these tasks, the ad hoc committee will be dissolved. The 250th Celebration Committee shall operate under the rules and regulations as defined by NH RSA’s and town ordinances.


Fire Department Study Committee - 

The Deering ad hoc Fire Department Study Committee is a technical review committee comprised of Deering professional staff and community members. The Select Board has charged the committee with identifying and prioritizing challenges for the Deering Fire Department and to present this information to the BOS.

Some of the responsibilities charged are to:

  1. Establish three Fire Department Staff, Town Administrator, BOS Representative and two Community Representative to serve on the committee
  2. Identify the challenges the Deering Fire Department is facing currently
  3. Propose multiple solutions to those problems each with defined financial impacts
  4. Host educational public hearings to explain the findings
  5. Educate and inform the Deering Selectboard on the findings of the committee

Upon completion of these tasks, the ad hoc committee will be dissolved. The Fire Department Study Committee shall operate under the rules and regulations as defined by NH RSA’s and town ordinances.


Veteran's Memorial Wall Committee- 

The Deering ad hoc Veterans Memorial Wall Committee is a volunteer committee comprised of Deering community members. The Select Board has charged the committee with updating and refurbishing the Veterans Memorial Wall.

Some of the responsibilities charged are to:

  1. Establish up to three, but no more than seven residents to serve on the committee.
  2. Research, identify and draft restoration plans for the Memorial Stones
  3. Inform the BOS of the recommendations of the Veteran’s Memorial Wall Committee.
  4. Identify alternative funding methods.
  5. Identfying qualifications for Veteran representation.

Upon completion of these tasks, the ad hoc committee will be dissolved. The Veteran’s Memorial Wall Committee shall operate under the rules and regulations as defined by NH RSA’s and town ordinances.

Multiple-Town Committees:

Heritage Committee- The purpose of the Deering Heritage Commission is to recognize, preserve, enhance, and promote the continued use of buildings, structures, sites, areas, locales, and districts within the Town of Deering having historical, architectural, cultural, or design significance.