Why did my December tax bill change?

Frequently Asked Questions about Tax Bills

There have been many questions about the recently issued tax bills. Specifically, why did they go up? Was it because of the town wide re-valuation process? No, the re-valuation did not make taxes go up. The table below highlights the tax rate and the amount of taxes raised by component of the tax rate; municipal, county, local education, and state education. The total tax effort for 2019 is $5,583,652. The municipal portion of that total amount represents 29.71% while local education represents 59% of the total tax effort. In 2020 the municipal portion represents 27.52% and the local education portion represents 61.89%.

To read more please click on this link=> https://www.deering.nh.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif3006/f/uploads/frequently_asked_questions_about_tax_bills.pdf