Presidential Primary Voting Notice

Public Notice

Supervisors of the Checklist

The Presidential Primary is Tuesday, February 11 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Deering Town Hall. 
Registered voters need only bring a photo ID while new and/or unregistered voters must see the Supervisors of the Checklist.
Deering residents may register to vote on the day of the Presidential Primary.  New voters must present to the Supervisors of the Checklist:
1.  Photo ID i.e. Driver's license, passport, student ID
2.  Proof of citizenship and age eligibility  - Birth cert. or US passport
3.  If born outside the US - Naturalization papers showing day, date and year and location of naturalization
4.  Proof of domicile/residency in Deering - if not on photo ID, bill with person’s name and address, lease agreement, car registration etc.